March 2015 enewsletter – Voice of Triumph

No permission needed: The enemy you see today, you will see no more

Let’s explore three levels of love in the Greek language. The diversity of relationship we have with others determine the blend we experience. Agapaō is having care and concern relationally or ethically. It is the foundation from which the others spring. God loved the world, (John 3:16); love between God, Jesus and you, (John 14:21); love neighbors as yourself, (Mark 12:31); husbands love wives, (Eph. 5:25); love your enemies, (Matthew 5:44). Agapē shows affection or benevolence associated with I Corinthians 13th chapter. Agapētŏs is being the beloved, i.e., one dear to the heart. God’s gratified with Jesus (Luke 3:22) and when God’s love is perfected in us, it abides in us with increased maturity (I John 4:12).

Click here to read the entire March Voice of Triumph enewsletter Kathryn Joy Foster Music Ministries, P.O. Box 19430, Cleveland, OH 44119


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