Humility is Owning Surrender Enough to Give it Away to God
Moses was repositioned from being a dead slave to living in royalty; his mother saw him as God saw him. Her humility repositioned her to be his nurse. In the palace, Moses learned to be a leader, but his desire to do the will of God put him in a position to walk away from it all. It first looked like he was a slave again, but his meekness made him God’s chosen deliverer; he was never a slave of Pharaoh, but a bond servant of the Almighty God. Unfortunately, his greatest strength became his greatest weakness when he was misled by his own prideful and rebellious passions. In a full state of surrender, we can’t entertain others’ plans for us nor adopt what we think may work for us. We must stand ready, i.e., remain willing and obedient to submit to doing something we may have never considered, desired, or even detested with a pure and perfect heart of worship to the One and Only True God.
Click VOTAug2017 to read the entire August Voice of Triumph enewsletter Kathryn Joy Foster Music Ministries, P.O. Box 19430, Cleveland, OH 44119
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