I Samuel 1st chapter, Hannah is consumed by grief. Being barren, her husband Elkanah had a second wife, Peninnah. Elkanah never understood why Hannah wasn’t satisfied with him alone; he felt that if she had ten sons that still was no comparison to him. On the other hand, Peninnah understood how having babies would bring her delight; still she provoked Hannah to tears esteeming herself as having won a competition. The onslaught appeared to be on every hand. When Eli, the priest, saw her distress, he told her she was in a drunken stupor. What changed the dynamics of Hannah’s story is when she made the decision to focus on receiving something she never had before. She did not change her goal, but her approach in reaching it. Leaving her request unnamed, Eli then agreed with her to receive the Lord’s answer. In prayer, Hannah removed all self-interest; she no longer worshipped the insatiable craving of her heart to become a mother. Now clothed with humility, she asked the Lord specifically for a son. In silent speech from her heart, she vowed to dedicate him to serve God’s dream forever. When she looked to God as her only source, all the other opposition could not compare or compete with the Lord. He was now the only object of her affection. From a state of wholeness and wellness, her incorruptible spirit covered all the wounded-ness of her soul until it was restored. It was with “the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit which is of great price to God”, I Peter 3:4 that helped her realize back-to-back promises. Hannah did not receive the promise just because she asked for it; she received the promise because she repositioned to be ready for the delivery of it. She conceived Samuel within the next year. She fulfilled her vow to God which kept her womb open; she gave birth to five more children once she literally surrendered Samuel to God as a living sacrifice. Hannah advanced from bringing her petition before God to prophesying Jesus’ delivering us. She did not lose her voice to infertility. It is never too late to do birth everything in your heart.
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