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The Tsunami Blessing Inside and Out, Part 39 Scriptures
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The Tsunami Blessing Inside and Out, Part 39 Scriptures
Radio Host and Teacher: Kathryn Joy Foster
Ministry of Music: Alvin Frazier
Sponsor: Kathryn Joy Foster Music Ministries, (KJFMM) and the Fire-Alive Ministry Partners
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The Tsunami Blessing Inside and Out, Part 38 Scriptures
Radio Host and Teacher: Kathryn Joy Foster
Ministry of Music: William Suddeth
Sponsor: Kathryn Joy Foster Music Ministries, (KJFMM) and the Fire-Alive Ministry Partners
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God abandoned Jesus at the time He carried the weight of the whole world. In the kingdom of God, accumulation is birthed after alienation. Jesus’ pain turned out to be from labor, not from attack. satan thought he was burying Jesus; instead he planted Him as a seed. Now God has a growing family He always desired. Never experiencing sin at all, Jesus bore every sin for us, as us. Our increased honor and humility before God gives Him space to cram any void with more offspring. The world system i.e., the world, the flesh, and the devil aborts reproduction, so all other gods enthroned must be removed to host God’s presence. With the old life flushed out, God can show He is totally loaded, fully equipped as your Heavenly Father. John 14:30-31 (AMPC) shows Jesus in sync. “I will not talk with you much more, for the prince (evil genius, ruler) of the world is coming. And he has no claim on Me. [He has nothing in common with Me; there is nothing in Me that belongs to him, and he has no power over Me.] But [satan is coming and] I do as the Father has commanded Me, so that the world may know (be convinced) that I love the Father and that I do only what the Father has instructed Me to do. [I act in full agreement with His orders.]….”
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The Tsunami Blessing Inside and Out, Part 37 Scriptures
Radio Host and Teacher: Kathryn Joy Foster
Ministry of Music: Cassandra
Sponsor: Kathryn Joy Foster Music Ministries, (KJFMM) and the Fire-Alive Ministry Partners
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Radio Host and Teacher: Kathryn Joy Foster
Ministry of Music: Phil Jones
Sponsor: Kathryn Joy Foster Music Ministries, (KJFMM) and the Fire-Alive Ministry Partners
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